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Official 2008 Presidential Primary Election results for President of the United States

NR: not reported

President of the United States

Congressional District 2

Democratic (Vote for One) Details
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Joe Biden
Democratic 499 26 525 0.5%
Hillary Clinton
Democratic 35,738 1,522 37,260 37.5%
Christopher J. Dodd
Democratic 106 5 111 0.1%
John Edwards
Democratic 1,429 134 1,563 1.6%
Mike Gravel
Democratic 103 3 106 0.1%
Dennis J. Kucinich
Democratic 190 11 201 0.2%
Barack Obama Winner Selected    
Democratic 55,355 2,481 57,836 58.2%
Bill Richardson
Democratic 212 12 224 0.2%
Democratic 1,477 77 1,554 1.6%

Republican (Vote for One) Details
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NameParty Election DayAbsentee / ProvisionalTotalPercentage
Rudy Giuliani
Republican 453 60 513 1.9%
Mike Huckabee
Republican 7,602 255 7,857 28.3%
Duncan Hunter
Republican 40 4 44 0.2%
Alan Keyes
Republican 330 23 353 1.3%
John McCain Winner Selected    
Republican 13,357 569 13,926 50.2%
Ron Paul
Republican 2,275 87 2,362 8.5%
Mitt Romney
Republican 2,156 237 2,393 8.6%
Tom Tancredo
Republican 33 0 33 0.1%
Fred Thompson
Republican 226 14 240 0.9%